
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Introducing: sharing updates via Direct Links
Previously, your network could only consume updates in one of two places - their inbox, or your profile. Now you can share your updates directly with a link and they'll be able to view them full screen, right in their browser.
Like so:
With this improved experience, you can share individual updates, on demand. Added someone to your list after the fact? Send the link. Want to share your progress on social? Send the link. Love the feel of Substack and Medium, and want to get in on the party? Send. The. Link.
The best part? Whoever opens your update will have the opportunity to connect or subscribe right at the top of the page.
Sharing Settings and Privacy
You'll have the same privacy settings you know and love, but now sharing is as simple as choosing your setting, copying your link, and sending it off into the abyss.
To recap quickly:
  1. Write your latest update
  2. Select your recipients and privacy
  3. Hit Send, Send the link, let the attention come rolling in
Today we're excited to announce that we're releasing Paperstreet freemium and a brand new analytics experience!
Freemium has been something we've been planning for over a year and we're happy to announce that it's finally here starting today.
Now any startup founder can signup and start using Paperstreet for free for life.
Free Accounts include the following:
  • General Overview Email Analytics
  • Unlimited contacts and contact groups
  • Discoverability on Paperstreet,
  • Profile Privacy (Optional)
  • Send limit of 150 emails per month
Premium Accounts ($25/mo) include the following extras:
  • Advanced Email Analytics
  • Schedule Updates
  • API Access
  • Zapier Integrations (Coming Soon)
  • Updated Attachments (Coming Soon)
  • Update PDF Downloads (Coming Soon)
  • Much more...
We've revamped email analytics from the ground up!
Email analytics have been redesigned from the ground up, click the "
" tab to check it out.
New Updates:
  • Single Page - all email activity can be loaded from the updates page
  • Activity log - showing all opens with the device (mobile/desktop)
  • Link Click log - view all clicks and counts
  • Link Tracking - you can now see exactly what links recipients clicked and how many times they've been clicked (retroactive - works with all your old updates)
Screen Shot 2021-04-28 at 11
Screenshot from our Dev Environment
Company admins are now able to generate, view, share, and validate DNS records in order to authenticate their domains without the need for contacting the Paperstreet support team. Your Domain Authentication settings can be found in your Edit Company dashboard:
You are able to delegate the installation as well as the validation of DNS records by simply sending the Instructions to a teammate or contractor who is best suited to install the records. Click on the "Send to teammate" tab after you have generated a set of records in order to do so.
What is Domain Authentication?
Domain authentication allows for better email deliverability and a heavily reduced chance of ending up in recipients' spam folders. You will continue to be able to send emails if you have not authenticated your domain, your emails will just come from an domain to ensure maximum deliverability.
Previously, contacts import would completely ignore a contact being imported or added to a new group if that email already existed in your contacts system. This prevented the ability to bulk create new contact groups from a list of contacts if some of those contacts were already in your system.
With this enhancement, you may now import existing emails into any contact groups to better manage new or existing group participants.
  • Added error messaging for invalid hyperlinks
  • Clicking off of the hyperlink editor will still create the hyperlink if the link provided is valid
The edit company page received a UI overhaul with an emphasis on ease of use and supporting a tag first taxonomy. If you haven't already, update the market vertical, location, and investment stage tags for your company. Tags make your company easier to locate by those looking to discover you in search results. If you do not wish to be visible in search results you always have the option to hide your company with visibility options on the left hand side.
Search coming soon!🕵️‍♂️ ❤️
Feature enables users to resume creating their updates. "Continue Editing" option has been added to the compose drop down menu and when selected, opens the user's most recent draft.
Annotation 2020-05-12 030042
This feature enables users to start an update from a blank canvas.
Great for composing blogposts or emails not associated with company updates.
"Blank Update"
option has been added to the compose drop-down menu displayed as "New Update."
Annotation 2020-05-06 011911
Features notifies users writing updates that another team member has opened the draft is is editing. Includes the ability to take back control and better manages drafts opened in multiple browser windows or tabs.
Annotation 2020-05-06 011143
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